Turkey will send terrorists to Libya to assist al-Sarraj government, warn Haftar’s forces

Turkey will send terrorists to Libya to assist al-Sarraj government, warn Haftar’s forces

Tripoli: General Haftar’s forces have warned that ‘Turkey has invaded Syria to attack the Kurds, and would also attack us. To save the Sarraj government in Libya, Turkey would send thousands of terrorists into Libya. In that case, the future of Libya is bleak.’ Also, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had previously criticised Turkey for […]

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Turkish action in Syria will help IS increase its influence, claim US and UK military officials

Turkish action in Syria will help IS increase its influence, claim US and UK military officials

Ankara/Damascus: Turkish President Recep Erdogan is claiming that the Turkish action is to expel the terrorists and establish peace and stability in northern Syria. But the military officials have expressed fears that this Turkish action initiated, without the participation of any other Gulf countries, will help the terrorist organisation IS, to increase its influence in […]

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US-China at loggerheads on the issue of Uyghurs; the US imposes Visa ban

US-China at loggerheads on the issue of Uyghurs; the US imposes Visa ban

Washington/Beijing: There are indications of a new conflict igniting between the United States and China over the atrocities against the Uyghur people, in the Xinjiang province of China. After including 28 Chinese enterprises in the ‘Black List’, the United States has now raised the baton of Visa Ban. The US foreign department announced that all […]

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Russian intelligence planning to create instability and unrest in Europe claims US newspaper

Russian intelligence planning to create instability and unrest in Europe claims US newspaper

New York: ‘Unit 29155’, a group from Russian intelligence, is working on creating instability and turmoil in Europe. Since the last few years, Unit 29155 has attempted to create anarchy in the European countries by assassinating big leaders and officials. Leading the US daily ‘The New York Times’ made this claim. But the Russian analysts […]

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Muslim brotherhood trying to divide France, claim French scholars and journalists

Muslim brotherhood trying to divide France, claim French scholars and journalists

Paris: The activities of Muslim Brotherhood, an extremist organisation from the Middle East are on the rise in Europe and have initiated efforts to divide France, claimed French scholars and journalists. French scholar Jerome Fourquet claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood has been inculcating the aggressive Islamic ideology, through its various initiatives and likely has achieved […]

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European Union institutes inquiry against Facebook, over the issue of Libra cryptocurrency

European Union institutes inquiry against Facebook, over the issue of Libra cryptocurrency

Brussels: The troubles for Libra cryptocurrency, being launched by the social media company Facebook, seem to be increasing. Following the action initiated by the countries like the United States and Australia, now the European Union has instituted an inquiry against ‘Facebook Libra’. The spokesman of the Union informed that independent notices had been sent to […]

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Avoiding action against Iran will result in more attacks on oil projects, warns Aramco chief

Avoiding action against Iran will result in more attacks on oil projects, warns Aramco chief

Riyadh: Amin Naseer, the chief officer of Aramco, the world’s largest oil-producing company, warned that the international community is inviting more attacks on the oil projects with inaction against the perpetrators of the attacks on the Saudi oil projects. The global energy sector will be under threat because of this negligence. Without mentioning any names, […]

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Turkey initiates attacks on Syrian Kurds, announces Turkish President Erdogan

Turkey initiates attacks on Syrian Kurds, announces Turkish President Erdogan

Qamishli/Ankara: Turkish President, Recep Erdogan announced that the Turkish military and Syrian rebels supporting Turkey have initiated attacks on the Syrian Kurds. President Erdogan claimed that the Turkish military is also targeting the IS terrorists along with the Syrian Kurds. But the locals said that the Turkish fighter jets are carrying out attacks in the […]

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President Trump justifies US military withdrawal from Syria

President Trump justifies US military withdrawal from Syria

Washington: US President Donald Trump presented his stand in piercing words ‘The United States has squandered more than $8 trillion on the war in the Middle East. Thousands of our brave soldiers have lost their lives in this war. The United States has suffered immense loses, involving in these meaningless wars. The war was sparked […]

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Turkey initiates bomb attacks on Syria following US withdrawal, claim Syrian media

Turkey initiates bomb attacks on Syria following US withdrawal, claim Syrian media

Damascus/Washington: The US President announced military withdrawal from Syria. Within only a few hours of the announcement, the Turkish military, initiated bombing in the predominantly Kurdish areas, claimed the Syrian media. The armed Kurdish organisations have warned of retaliation against the Turkish action and have indicated that cooperation will be sought from the Syrian and […]

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