Humanitarian crisis because of the bloody conflict in Burkina Faso, UN claims 500 thousand citizens displaced

Humanitarian crisis because of the bloody conflict in Burkina Faso, UN claims 500 thousand citizens displaced

Burkina Faso: The ethnic conflicts, terrorist attacks and the violence, ongoing for the last several years, has brought Burkina Faso under the shadows of a humanitarian crisis, is the concern expressed by the United Nations. The United Nations’ report states that nearly 500 thousand citizens have been displaced in Burkina Faso. While this report has […]

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Those trying to divide China will end in smashed bodies and shattered bones, Chinese President warns Hong Kong and Taiwan

Those trying to divide China will end in smashed bodies and shattered bones, Chinese President warns Hong Kong and Taiwan

Beijing: “Anyone attempting to divide China in any part of the country, will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones,” warned Chinese President Xi Jinping. At the time, he also said that any external forces backing such attempts to divide China would remain a pipedream. This threat by the Chinese President is seen as a […]

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NATO should choose between Turkey and terrorists, warns Turkish President

NATO should choose between Turkey and terrorists, warns Turkish President

Ankara: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned that Turkey is a member of NATO. An attack on a NATO member is considered an attack on NATO. Currently, Turkey is facing a threat from terrorist organisations. But, in this situation, NATO is not with Turkey. Therefore, NATO needs to choose between Turkey and terrorists. Erdogan also […]

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480 killed in Turkish attacks in Syria, Turkey announces the continuation of action

480 killed in Turkish attacks in Syria, Turkey announces the continuation of action

Ceylanpinar/Geneva: – 480 people have been killed in the dreadful airstrikes carried out by Turkey in Syria. The Turkish attacks have not stopped after this. Following Ras Al-Ayn, Turkey has gained control of 16 more regions, including Suluk. This Turkish aggression is being denounced on the international level. Turkey is even being pressurised to stop […]

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US President announces aid of $50 million to minorities in Syria

US President announces aid of $50 million to minorities in Syria

Washington/Damascus: Criticism is rife that the United States has given an opportunity to Turkey to massacre Kurds, by withdrawing the military from Syria. The US President had assured financial and military aid to the Kurds, saying that the United States will not leave the Kurds alone. President Trump has decided to implement the decision and […]

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Leading companies exit from Facebook’s Libra Digital currency, including Mastercard, Visa and Ebay

Leading companies exit from Facebook’s Libra Digital currency, including Mastercard, Visa and Ebay

California: Four months ago, Facebook’s digital currency that was launched with great fanfare has suffered major blows back-to-back. Five companies participating in the Libra venture have decided to back out in the last 24 hours. These companies include the world leaders in payments processing such as Mastercard, Visa and Stripe. Given this development indicates that […]

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European and Arab countries condemn Turkey after attacks on Syrian Kurds, initiate steps to corner Turkey

European and Arab countries condemn Turkey after attacks on Syrian Kurds, initiate steps to corner Turkey

Brussels/Cairo: Turkey, which is carrying out fierce attacks on the Syrian Kurds, appears to have been isolated globally. Significant protests have flared up in the European countries, against the Turkish action and many countries, including Germany and France, have announced sanctions against the state. At the same time, the Turkish President, who aspires to dominate […]

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Major action in Europe along with the UK against narcotics, narcotics worth 130 million Euros seized

Major action in Europe along with the UK against narcotics, narcotics worth 130 million Euros seized

London/Brussels: Narcotics worth nearly 130 million euros were seized in a joint operation conducted by 15 European countries, along with the United Kingdom. More than 400 people were arrested during the action which is said to be the biggest jolt delivered to the narcotics trade in Europe. This is the second major joint operation at […]

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Turkish military invades Syrian cities; US soldiers attacked as well

Turkish military invades Syrian cities; US soldiers attacked as well

Akcakale: The Turkish military forged ahead in the Syrian territory, capturing a part of the Ras Al-Ayn province. A few days ago, the United States had withdrawn its military from this region. Turkey seems to be taking full advantage of the US military withdrawal. Moreover, the US soldiers also have been hit during the Turkish […]

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Additional US deployment for the security of Saudi

Additional US deployment for the security of Saudi

Washington: The United States announced additional deployment, in view of increasing the security for Saudi. US Secretary of Defence, Mark Esper, announced that two more squadrons of fighter jets and nearly 3,000 additional soldiers would be deployed in Saudi under this. The US Secretary of Defence claimed that this additional deployment is being made to […]

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