The entire Middle East should look like Israel, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

Third World WarWashington: ‘The entire Middle East should look like Israel and all the middle eastern countries should progress like Israel,’ was the expectation expressed by Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. The entire Middle East should have democracy and prosperity, said Pompeo. While praising Israel, the Secretary of State referred to Iran as the main villain in the Middle East.


A few days ago, a special program was organised in Washington by the ‘Jewish Society for National Security of America’. The efforts taken by US President Trump and his administration to build ties with Israel were praised during the program. Speaking on this occasion, Secretary of State Pompeo praised the democracy in Israel. Saying that ‘Israel is a democratic and prosperous country’, the US Secretary of State commented that the other countries in the Gulf should also honour these values.

Middle East, Israel, Mike Pompeo, USPompeo compared Israel with Iran to substantiate his statements. Pompeo criticised that the Iranian leaders are corrupt and trample the human rights of their own people. At the same time, Pompeo criticised Iran for being a terrorist country and said that its terrorists are active in every nook and corner of the Middle East. There is a major threat to the security of the Middle Eastern countries from Iran, said Pompeo.

Pompeo blamed the former US President, Barack Obama for this growing Iranian influence in the Middle East. ‘Obama had more respect for the leaders of Iran than it did for the State of Israel’. He offered concessions to Iran, withdrew economic sanctions against Iran and had a misconception that the Iranian leaders will behave well if he sent an aircraft full of dollars to Iran. But Iran, who brags about destruction of the United States, is a murderer, the biggest sponsor of terrorism and the main villain responsible for instability in the Middle East,’ blamed Pompeo.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump has decided to tighten the noose of sanctions further against Iran which could be announced in the next two weeks. Just prior to that, Pompeo’s very suggestive statements about Israel clearly demonstrate the policy of the United States regarding Israel and the Middle East.

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