Montenegro, a NATO member nation, faces massive Cyberattack – Russia allegedly blamed

Montenegro: It has been revealed that a major cyberattack has occurred against NATO member nation Montenegro. The attack has paralyzed most of the systems related to the government of Montenegro. Besides, sources have claimed that it was the biggest cyberattack in the nation’s history. It is said that a special team of the US intel agency ‘FBI’ has been sent to Montenegro to combat this attack.


Cyberattacks happen against NATO member Montenegro – Russia allegedly involvedMoreover, after the Russia-Ukraine conflict sparked, there has been an increase in cyberattacks on European countries and it is said that Russia is behind it. Earlier, it was revealed that NATO-related computer networks in Italy and Portugal were targeted.

The government of Montenegro informed that cyber-attacks against the nation started last month. Attacks were carried out against government institutions in stages. The attacks, which have continued for three consecutive weeks, have shut down most of the Internet facilities that are part of the government of Montenegro.

The FBI team and other cyber experts have directed the government to unplug all computer networks and shut them down. This was confirmed by the Minister of Defence of Montenegro, Rasko Konjevic. Konjevic said that all computer systems related to government and administration had been shut down.

Cyberattacks happen against NATO member Montenegro – Russia allegedly involvedMeanwhile, preliminary investigations have revealed that the Russian cyber gang named ‘Cuba Ransomware’ is behind this attack. It was also revealed that the gang had created a special virus for the attack. A Russian group has claimed responsibility for the cyberattack and has named it ‘Zerodate’. In addition to Montenegro, it has been revealed that cyberattacks have also happened against Moldova, Slovenia, and North Macedonia.

Furthermore, Montenegro joined NATO in 2017 and Russia strongly opposed this membership. But even after that, as Montenegro became a member of NATO, Russia had repeatedly warned this country. Even after the Russia-Ukraine conflict started, Russia warned against targeting Ukraine and countries that support sanctions against Russia. The cyberattack on Montenegro seems to be part of it.

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