US will use its bases in Iraq to keep a watch on Iran; US President Donald Trump

US will use its bases in Iraq to keep a watch on Iran; US President Donald Trump

Washington: US president Trump created a sensation saying that the US base in Iraq is necessary for keeping a watch on Iran. The activities of Iran, other movements in the Gulf sector and the efforts to acquire nuclear weapons can be easily spotted from here.’ President Trump made this claim during an interview with a […]

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Chinese military should be prepared for the worst scenario, warn influential Chinese leaders

Chinese military should be prepared for the worst scenario, warn influential Chinese leaders

Beijing: The mastermind and advisor to the Chinese government Wang Huning suggested ‘The senior leaders of the communist parties should be cautious regarding the external threats to China. Although the trade war between the United States and China has been stopped for three months, the Chinese military should always remain prepared for the worst scenario.’ […]

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UK, who freed more than half the Europe during second world war gets humiliated by the EU

UK, who freed more than half the Europe during second world war gets humiliated by the EU

London: The United Kingdom played an important role in freeing more than half of Europe during the second world war. British ruling party member, Daniel Kawczynski has accused that now the European Union is meting out a degrading treatment to the United Kingdom in the Brexit issue. At the same time, British Minister for trade, […]

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It’s time to end the Maduro regime in Venezuela: US Vice President Mike Pence

It’s time to end the Maduro regime in Venezuela: US Vice President Mike Pence

Caracas/Washington: US Vice President Mike Pence appealed to overthrow the Venezuelan government saying, ‘The time for negotiations is over. The dictatorial regime of Maduro in Venezuela has to end.’ The political developments in Venezuela are gaining momentum over the last few days and the country’s ambassador to Iraq, Jonathan Ramirez, has declared support to the […]

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Iranian supporters spread across from Palestine to India will attack the US, if Iran was attacked, threatens a senior Iranian leader

Iranian supporters spread across from Palestine to India will attack the US, if Iran was attacked, threatens a senior Iranian leader

Tehran: ‘Iran has its influence all around the world, and Iranian supporters are spread in Yemen, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and also in the United States and Europe. Therefore, if the United States attacks Iran, the Iranian supporters spread across the world will attack the United States. The United States attack on Iran will result in a […]

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US objects to the gold trade between Turkey and Venezuela, UAE also to purchase gold from Venezuela

US objects to the gold trade between Turkey and Venezuela, UAE also to purchase gold from Venezuela

Washington/Caracas/Ankara: The Venezuela factor has added to the already reigning differences between the United States and Turkey over the Syrian conflict. Maduro government has decided to sell the gold reserves to Turkey following the economy hitting the rock-bottom. However, the United States has expressed strong discontent over this trade. At present, the Venezuelan economy has […]

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Trump Indicates raising the issue of emergency in the State of Union; Pentagon deploys additional 3,500 soldiers on the Mexican border

Trump Indicates raising the issue of emergency in the State of Union; Pentagon deploys additional 3,500 soldiers on the Mexican border

Washington: President Trump has indicated raising the issue of emergency, in the State of Union coming up next week. Only last week, it was revealed that the draft for declaring the emergency over the Mexican wall issue, has already been prepared by the White House. Meanwhile, as the crime rate at the US-Mexico border was […]

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Russia will give ‘Tit-for-Tat’ response to the US withdrawal from the INF treaty

Russia will give ‘Tit-for-Tat’ response to the US withdrawal from the INF treaty

Moscow: Russia has also announced withdrawal from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty within 24 hours after the US pulls out from it. With the announcement of withdrawal, Russian President Vladimir Putin also declared Russia is developing new hypersonic missiles. The announcement by the Russian President rule out the possibility of a compromise between the […]

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