Saudi also stops flights through the Iranian airspace

Saudi also stops flights through the Iranian airspace

Riyadh: Along with the United States, India, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Netherlands and Singapore, Saudi Arabia also has stopped passenger aircraft traffic through the Iranian airspace. The Saudi decision has come as a result of the tension, created in the Persian Gulf, following the Iranian attack on the US drone. Along with Saudi, even […]

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Russian President Putin commands to concentrate on ‘Hypersonic Missile Defence’ and ‘Aerospace Force’

Russian President Putin commands to concentrate on ‘Hypersonic Missile Defence’ and ‘Aerospace Force’

Moscow: Russia has initiated strong actions to develop the capabilities in the space following the United States announcement to establish a Space Force and assigning it the status of a Combat Command. Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to focus on the Aerospace Command, a part of the defence forces, to develop this sector. The order […]

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10 Chinese scavengers deployed in space, claims Hongkong based newspapers

10 Chinese scavengers deployed in space, claims Hongkong based newspapers

Washington: The Chinese mouthpiece had criticised the anti-satellite missile test conducted by India, a month ago and had asked the international community to take a stance against the Indian test. At the same time, this mouthpiece was signing a tune of usage of space for peaceful purposes. But now a newspaper has published a report […]

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Russia accuses US to use moon landing expeditions to cover up tests of advanced military technologies in space, accuses Russia

Russia accuses US to use moon landing expeditions to cover up tests of advanced military technologies in space, accuses Russia

Moscow/ Washington: Russia raised doubts on the United States objective of reinitiating Moon expeditions, and Dmitry Rogozin, chief of the Russian space agency alleged that the United States would carry out tests of advanced military technologies in space under the guise of such expeditions. Rogozin also claimed that the Moon expeditions of the United States, […]

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29 satellites including the EMISAT, the eyes and ears of India in the space

29 satellites including the EMISAT, the eyes and ears of India in the space

Sriharikota:  ISRO recorded one more achievement launching 29 satellites in one flight with the PSLV-C-45 launch vehicle. Out of these 28 satellites are for foreign countries, including 24 satellites from the United States. The EMISAT, considered to be the eyes and ears of the country also was launched with these satellites. It is claimed that […]

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Intrusion of Chinese planes in Taiwanese airspace an act of incitement warns Taiwan

Intrusion of Chinese planes in Taiwanese airspace an act of incitement warns Taiwan

Taipei/Beijing: Taiwan has warned that the Chinese planes crossing the Taiwanese strait and intruding into the Taiwanese airspace, is an act of provocation. Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen accused that although the Taiwanese fighter jets conducted a forceful explosion of any Chinese aircraft from the air, this incident is a violation of the agreement between the […]

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US and Russian Nuclear bombers hold exercises at the same time in European airspace

US and Russian Nuclear bombers hold exercises at the same time in European airspace

Washington/Moscow: Tension between Russia and the United States, over nuclear weapons, seems to be heightening, after exiting from the INF Treaty. A few days ago, the US Defence Department had indicated that the US would reserve its rights for the first nuclear strike. After that, now the nuclear bombers from both the countries held exercises […]

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Russia entering a new stage of deep space competition with leading space powers, admits Russian space organisation

Russia entering a new stage of deep space competition with leading space powers, admits Russian space organisation

Moscow: The Russian space organisation chief said that there is stiff competition for researching deep space and Russia is a contender in it. Dmitry Rogozin, the head of ‘ROSCOSMOS’ Russian space organisation, said that this new space-race includes crewed missions to the outer space as also ‘Deep Space Exploration’ missions. Only a few days ago, […]

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