China to develop weapon to destroy Elon Musk’s Starlink

Beijing: The Chinese Communist Party has slapped fines on the famous entrepreneur Elon Musk. China is building a weapon to destroy the Starlink satellites launched by Musk to provide super high-speed Internet data anywhere in the world. The Chinese military has ordered its researchers to do that.


China to develop weapon to destroy Elon Musk’s StarlinkThe information had surfaced via a Chinese military document. So far, 2,400 Starlink satellites are orbiting Earth under Elon Musk’s ‘Space-X’ space program. At least 30,000 such satellites will orbit the earth and provide high-speed Internet service anywhere in the world soon, Musk has claimed. It is said that this will benefit developing as well as poor countries. But China is concerned that the Starlink satellite may be linked to the military.

Moreover, China fears the satellites could help the US military gain dominance in space. Analysts in China’s military report have expressed this concern. Military analysts are also proposing various measures to destroy Musk’s Starlink satellites. Chinese scientists will have to consider breaking them down and destroying these satellites. These military analysts have suggested that new weapons have to be developed.

For the second time in the past month, Chinese military analysts have called for the use of force against Musk’s Starlink.

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