

New Delhi/Islamabad: ‘Pakistan should release Wing Commander Abhinandan who it held captive, with full respect and without any conditions. If he is harmed in any way, Pakistan will have to face dire consequences,’ was the stark warning issued to Pakistan by India. It was within a few hours of this warning from the Indian foreign ministry, Pakistan […]

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64. Events from the 1930s

64. Events from the 1930s

The Arab-Jew riots of 1929 in Jerusalem gradually quelled but only after consuming the lives of numerous Jews and after extensive damages to their properties and synagogues. Though everything seemed normal, it was superficial. The mutual anger in the minds of people on both the sides continued to rage unabated. The Arabs resorted to boycotting […]

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59. Alarm bells of conflicts

59. Alarm bells of conflicts

The British rule over Palestine began from the year 1918. Immediately after winning the world war, Britain placed the territory under the military rule which was later replaced in 1921 by a civilian administration. As a consequence of the relentless efforts by Theodore Herzl and by the Zionist Organization that he had founded, due to […]

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Extensive robotic war exercises begin in the United Kingdom

Extensive robotic war exercises begin in the United Kingdom

London: While there is a massive campaign against the use of killer robots in the defence sector at the international level, the advanced countries have begun a dress rehearsal of their use in a war like situation. ‘Autonomous Warrior’, the war exercises using robotic technology have been started in the United Kingdom from Monday. There […]

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US will continue to develop nuclear weapons till Russia comes to its senses; US President Donald Trump

US will continue to develop nuclear weapons till Russia comes to its senses;  US President Donald Trump

Washington: ‘Russia has not followed the essence of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Therefore, the United States will keep developing nuclear weapons till the time Russia comes to its senses,’ threatened US President Donald Trump. He criticised Russia saying that the Unite States will do the same thing that Russia has done over so many years. […]

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45,000 NATO soldiers assemble near the Russian border for huge war exercises; includes electronic warfare

45,000 NATO soldiers assemble near the Russian border for huge war exercises; includes electronic warfare

Brussels/Moscow: Known as the largest war exercises since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the ‘Operation Trident Juncture 18’ will see around 45,000 NATO soldiers’ participation near the Russian border. These exercises will be held in Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Arctic sector along the Russian border. The exercises will be focused upon enemy attacks […]

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Chinese destroyers test-fire missiles after the patrolling by US bombers in South China Sea

Chinese destroyers test-fire missiles after the patrolling by US bombers in South China Sea

Beijing: Last week China had issued six warnings to the US B-52 bomber patrolling in the South China Sea to leave.  The US bomber continued its patrolling despite the Chinese warnings. But it has been revealed that Chinese destroyers had fired missile to issue a warning to the United States, after the US Bomber left. […]

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The extent of US ‘Secret Wars’ in Africa widens, claims a US website

The extent of US ‘Secret Wars’ in Africa widens, claims a US website

Washington/Niger: The United States has lost six soldiers in Africa in the last one year. It is said that there were four commandos among them. A website has claimed that these commandos were killed in the ‘Secret Wars’ started by the United States in the African continent. This goes to show the activities of ‘Africom’ […]

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36. David’s Exile

36. David’s Exile

David thus killed the humongous, gigantic and well-armed Goliath with simple weapons like a sling and a few stones and more importantly, this he accomplished without letting his faith in God dwindle. But David did not have a sword to fulfill the oath of beheading Goliath and carrying his head back home that he had […]

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