Ransomware attacks hit thousands of servers worldwide – Italy’s National Cyber Security claims

Rome: Ransomware attacks hit thousands of servers in North America, Europe, and other countries. Italy’s National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) has said that this exposed the limitations of the anti-virus software in the servers. At the same time, ACN also retorted that no matter how many claims Western countries make, their servers are not safe; it is clear from this ransomware attack. Meanwhile, a few days ago, cyber experts warned that the world would have to deal with the biggest-ever cyber catastrophe or crisis this year.


Ransomware attacksBesides, the cyber-attack occurred on servers in developed countries worldwide while the entire world focused on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The United States, Canada, France, Italy, Finland and some other countries were the targets of these cyber attacks, Italy’s ACN informed. Moreover, the cyber ransomware attack has targeted the servers of companies belonging to the industrial sector of the respective countries. However, Italy’s leading news agency said the attack excluded government or administrative servers.

France first registered the cyber attack. Even ANSSI, a French cyber security organisation, cautioned other countries against ransomware attacks. Besides, this has affected the servers of more than 20 companies in Italy. There have been claims that this has affected the companies day-to-day operations. US cyber security officials have begun estimating the damage caused by these ransomware attacks. Furthermore, US cyber security officials said government and private sector cyber security companies have been investigating the causes and sources behind these cyber-attacks.

Italy’s ACN has said that no country was behind this ransomware attack. But in the coming times, such cyber-attacks will intensify, warned Italian and French agencies. It had been unveiled from a report that the number of cyber-attacks worldwide had increased terrifyingly in 2022. But cyber-attacks in 2023 would be more dreadful, had warned cyber experts at the World Economic Forum meeting. In addition, experts have warned that the biggest cyber-attack so far can be carried out using artificial intelligence-based chatbots, which have been the topic of discussion worldwide for the past few months.




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