Japan plans to build aircraft carrier to counter China’s aggression

Japan plans to build aircraft carrier to counter China’s aggression

Tokyo: Alarmed by the increasing strength of the Chinese Navy and Air Force, Japan has also started preparations to build an aircraft carrier. Japan has planned to deploy fighter jets on both the Izumo and Kaga helicopter carriers in the naval fleet. The advanced US stealth fighter jets F-35B would be used on both the […]

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Iran issues threat over the US announcement of military deployment for Saudi Arabia and UAE

Iran issues threat over the US announcement of military deployment for Saudi Arabia and UAE

Washington: – The United States announced additional military deployment in Saudi Arabia, expressing fears of fresh Iranian attacks. As expected, a vitriolic reaction was received for Iran, following the US announcement. Iran accused the new deployment as provocative and warned that it would turn the countries attacking Iran into a battlefield. The United States and […]

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150,000 soldiers deployed near Hong Kong in view of the Chinese establishment day

150,000 soldiers deployed near Hong Kong in view of the Chinese establishment day

Hong Kong/Beijing: Fresh manoeuvres to assert more control over Hong Kong have begun as Hong Kong could become a stumbling block to celebrations marking 70th anniversary of Chinese communist rule. Nearly 150,000 police personnel have been deployed in the Guangdong region, close to Hong Kong and have been ordered to be in a state of […]

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Hezbollah equipped with anti-destroyer missiles, claim Hezbollah affiliated media

Hezbollah equipped with anti-destroyer missiles, claim Hezbollah affiliated media

Beirut: The Iran affiliated terrorist organisation Hezbollah, from Lebanon, is now equipped with anti-destroyer missiles. This information, along with a photograph of the missile, was posted on the social media site, affiliated to Hezbollah. At the same time, Hezbollah reminded of the decade-old attack on an Israeli destroyer.Meanwhile,two days ago, a US destroyer also reached […]

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US and Japan should help Taiwan to manufacture advanced submarines, appeal by former Taiwanese Defence Minister

US and Japan should help Taiwan to manufacture advanced submarines, appeal by former Taiwanese Defence Minister

Taipei/Washington: Former Taiwanese Defence Minister Michael Tsai appealed ‘Taiwan can challenge the Chinese influence in the Pacific region. Therefore, the United States and Japan should assist Taiwan to manufacture advanced submarines, challenging Chinese domination.’ The Taiwanese defence department has made massive provisions for the manufacture of advanced submarines. Former Taiwanese Defence Minister, Michael Tsai clarified […]

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US should attack Iranian oil facilities, demands Senator Lindsey Graham

US should attack Iranian oil facilities, demands Senator Lindsey Graham

Washington: Senator Graham Lindsey demanded that if the consistent provocation from Iran has to be stopped, it has to be taught a lesson and for that, and the United States should, therefore, carry out attacks on the Iranian oil facilities. The United States had accused Iran of being responsible for Saturday’s drone attacks in Saudi […]

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Finance Minister makes important announcements to increase the economic growth rate, incentive schemes for export and housing sector

Finance Minister makes important announcements to increase the economic growth rate, incentive schemes for export and housing sector

New Delhi: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman,announced some important decisions, given the reduced economic growth rate and the stunted growth rates in certain sectors. Special announcements have been made to incentivise the export and housing sector. These include financial assistance of ₹500 billion for the export and ₹100 billion for the housing sector. The Union […]

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Japan to establish a special police unit for the security of the Senkaku Islands

Japan to establish a special police unit for the security of the Senkaku Islands

Tokyo: Japan has taken another important decision for the security of the Senkaku Islands, within its jurisdiction, in the East China Sea. Japan has initiated moves to build a particular police unit equipped with the most modern automatic weapons for the security of Senkaku and other islands nearby. A local news channel made this announcement. […]

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UK preparing to deploy ‘Ripper Drones’ for the security of the oil tankers in the Persian Gulf

UK preparing to deploy ‘Ripper Drones’ for the security of the oil tankers in the Persian Gulf

London: The issue of security of the foreign oil tankers, sailing through the Persian Gulf, has once again come on the anvil. A naval official claimed that the British destroyer has had 115 confrontations with the Iranian patrol ships, in the last two months. Therefore, the United Kingdom is planning to deploy attacking ‘Ripper Drones’, […]

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