Proposed Greece-Saudi military drill jolts Turkey; Saudi to send F-15 fighters

Proposed Greece-Saudi military drill jolts Turkey; Saudi to send F-15 fighters

Athens/Ankara:- Greece, making aggressive moves to stop the Turkish activities in the Mediterranean Sea, has delivered one more jolt to Turkey. The Greek media published a report that Greece and Saudi Arabia will be holding joint military exercises in the Mediterranean Sea region. The information that Saudi Arabia will be sending F-15 fighter jets to participate […]

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Israel to build new settlements in West Bank

Israel to build new settlements in West Bank

Jerusalem: – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced, ‘We are going to be here and the building of Israel will continue’. Prime Minister Netanyahu made this announcement; he informed that the nation has permission to construct 800 settlements in Judea and Samaria, for Israeli refugees. Israeli and Turkish media are claiming that this announcement by […]

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Syrian human rights organisation informed that Russian fighter jets carried out 170 airstrikes in Syria

Syrian human rights organisation informed that Russian fighter jets carried out 170 airstrikes in Syria

Damascus: – In the last 72 hours, Russian fighter jets carried out more than 170 airstrikes in Syria. 12 IS terrorists and 19 Syrian soldiers were killed in these attacks. Syrian human rights organisation has published this information. Neither Syria nor Russia has given any information regarding this.    As per the information posted on the […]

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Israel deploys anti-missile systems on the southern border; threat of Houthi rebels attack from Yemen increases

Israel deploys anti-missile systems on the southern border; threat of Houthi rebels attack from Yemen increases

Eilat: – Iran may use the Houthi rebels, from Yemen, to avenge the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani. The Houthi rebels had also announced that they have missiles that can reach Israel directly. Against this background, the Israeli military has deployed two missile defence systems, Iron Dome and Patriot, in the Eilat region, in southern […]

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Iran warns of expelling IAEA inspectors

Iran warns of expelling IAEA inspectors

Tehran: – Iran has issued a warning to President-elect Joe Biden, even before he can take over the United States’ reins. If the sanctions against Iran are not withdrawn on time, Iran will expel all observers from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from the country. Iran has given 21st February as the deadline to […]

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National Security Law to be used for crushing opposition from Hong Kong, salvo of criticism from US, UK and Canada

National Security Law to be used for crushing opposition from Hong Kong, salvo of criticism from US, UK and Canada

Hongkong: – The United States, the United Kingdom and Canada have launched an attack against China by criticising that the National Security Law is being used for crushing the opposition in Hong Kong. The Foreign Ministers of these three countries castigated China in the joint statement released on Sunday. More than 50 political leaders and […]

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Nepalese PM, trapped in political crisis, claims rights over Indian territory

Nepalese PM, trapped in political crisis, claims rights over Indian territory

Kathmandu: – Nepalese Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli had initiated steps to improve relations with India. But the Nepalese Prime Minister, known for his pro-China disposition, seems to be living up to his reputation. Prime Minister Sharma Oli announced, ‘Nepal will take back Lipulekh, Kalapani and Limpiyadhura, which are under Indian control.’ Saying that the previous Prime Ministers did […]

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British PM needs to be highly vigilant while dealing with China, urges Conservative Party

British PM needs to be highly vigilant while dealing with China, urges Conservative Party

London: – The British ruling party has appealed that the United Kingdom needs to keep its eyes open while dealing with China, who is blatantly trampling human rights of its population. The human rights commission of the British ruling party presented an aggressive resolution showering criticism on China. This proposal advises British Prime Minister Boris […]

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British F-35 fighter jets to be equipped with Spear missiles

British F-35 fighter jets to be equipped with Spear missiles

London: – The British defence ministry has taken the decision to equip the F-35B stealth fighter jets, from the British navy, with super-advanced missiles. For this, the British defence ministry signed an agreement for purchase of ‘Spear 3’ missiles. British media are claiming that after the F-35B are equipped with Spear 3 missiles, it will be possible to retaliate […]

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China needs to act urgently to contain financial risks, warns IMF 

China needs to act urgently to contain financial risks, warns IMF 

Washington/Beijing: – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that China needs to initiate immediate steps to avert the threats to economic stability. The Chinese economy’s debt burden has increased tremendously during the Coronavirus pandemic period, and small banks and local administrations are feeling immense pressure. At the same time, the credit rating of the […]

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