Change in Egypt and Turkey’s positions on Syria indicative of support to President Assad

Change in Egypt and Turkey’s positions on Syria indicative of support to President Assad

Cairo/Istanbul: Four years back, the countries like Egypt and Turkey who were a part of the attempt to overthrow the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government with Saudi Arabia’s support currently seem to have changed their positions. This claim has been made in an article published by the ‘Center for American Progress’, a study group based […]

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Turkey President Recep Erdogan says ‘SCO’ an alternative to EU

Turkey President Recep Erdogan says ‘SCO’ an alternative to EU

Istambul : Instead of just pursuing the membership of the European Union, Turkey should also consider other alternatives. The ‘Shanghai Co-operation Organisation’ (SCO) formed under Russian leadership, could be an excellent alternative said the Turkish President Recep Erdogan while suggesting that ‘SCO’ could be an alternative for EU. Erdogan’s speech along with Europe and Asia, […]

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Donald Trump’s victory shakes the ‘New World Order’

Donald Trump’s victory shakes the ‘New World Order’

Washington: Donald Trump’s victory who campaigned with the slogan ‘Make America Great again’ is believed to have shocked the establishment governing the ‘New International System’. Analysts and media claim that Donald Trump’s threat to cancel the ‘NAFTA’ and ‘Trans-Pacific Partnership’ international trade agreements, warnings regarding ‘NATO’, his aggressive stand towards refugees and his offensive against […]

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Russia – Saudi Arabia agree on stabilising oil market

Russia – Saudi Arabia agree on stabilising oil market

Riyadh : The indications given by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin in the last month concerning collaborations with Saudi Arabia are beginning to materialise. On Sunday, Russia and Saudi Arabia signed a coherent mutual agreement for oil market collaborations. While there has been unanimity between both countries regarding the stability of the oil market, Saudi […]

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Afghanistan President on India Visit

Afghanistan President on India Visit

New Delhi : Nobody should shelter those terrorizing India and Afghanistan”, in these no uncertain terms, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Afghanistan President Ashraf Gani have  warned Pakistan. The Afghan President, arrived in New Delhi on Wednesday night, has signed three treaties including an Extradition Treaty for repatriation of criminals and militants. India […]

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The Kurds also the Kurdish people are an ethnic group in the Middle East, mostly inhabiting a contiguous area spanning adjacent parts of eastern and southeastern Turkey, western Iran, northern Iraq, and northern Syria. Wikipedia

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Obama Administration supplied Saudi Arabia with arms worth $115 billion – US study-group report

Obama Administration supplied Saudi Arabia with arms worth $115 billion – US study-group report

Washington : Despite the tensions generated between the United States and Saudi Arabia due to the negotiations with Iran, a news has come to the fore that the Obama administration has supplied Saudi Arabia with arms worth $115 billion. The Obama administration is facing strong criticism for extending this aid to Saudi, since Saudi used these […]

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Russia & Saudi Arabia agree on stabilizing oil prices, indications of oil price hike

Russia & Saudi Arabia agree on stabilizing oil prices, indications of oil price hike

Hangzhou : Russia and Saudi Arabia have agreed that joint efforts should be made to stabilize the oil market by controlling the oil prices, which are experiencing a fall for two consecutive years. It was informed that the two countries signed an agreement in this regards on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in China. […]

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New military campaign by Turkey in Syria: Turkish tanks march towards Aleppo

New military campaign by Turkey in Syria: Turkish tanks march towards Aleppo

Beirut : The Turkish military initiated attacks on ‘Islamic State’ (IS) stations situated in the northern region of Syria. The IS also retaliated by firing rockets in the border-regions of Turkey. Against the backdrop of this conflict, the Turkish tanks and military vehicles have started marching towards Aleppo in large numbers. Therefore, after ‘Euphrates Shield’ […]

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