Israel will target Iranian assets anywhere in Syria, warns Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

Israel will target Iranian assets anywhere in Syria, warns Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

Jerusalem: ‘Israel will not tolerate the strategic build-up of the Iranian military. Israel will target Iranian locations anywhere in Syria, at the Syrian border or any other Syrian region. Israel is targeting the Iranian locations even now,’ warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Prime Minister Netanyahu clarified in the meeting of the cabinet of ministers […]

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US will take firm measures against Syrian army if it violates ceasefire near Israel border, warns the US Department of State

US will take firm measures against Syrian army if it violates ceasefire near Israel border, warns the US Department of State

 Washington/Damascus : ‘The United States has issued a stern warning to Syria which has deployed Pantsir anti-aircraft system near Israel’s Golan Heights border. If the Syrian army violates the ceasefire implemented in southern Syria through mediation by the US, then there will be harsh action against Syria,’ warned the US Department of State. At the […]

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A decisive war with Israel is getting closer, warns Hezbollah chief Nasrallah

A decisive war with Israel is getting closer, warns Hezbollah chief Nasrallah

Beirut: ‘The decisive war against Israel is very near’ is the message given by Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah. Israel who was dreaming about overthrowing the Assad regime in Syria, has changed its objective. Now, Israel is striving to expel Iran and Hezbollah from Syria. The Hezbollah Chief incited Israel saying that ‘we will not leave […]

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Israel can carry out attacks against Iran anywhere in Syria, warns Prime Minister Netanyahu

Israel can carry out attacks against Iran anywhere in Syria, warns Prime Minister Netanyahu

Jerusalem: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned that Israel will attack the Iranian military bases not only near the Golan Heights border but anywhere in Syria. Prime Minister Netanyahu clarified Israel’s position about Iran before Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman left for his Russia visit. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had clarified time and again […]

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Russia and Israel agree to hold back Iran in Syria, claims Russian news agency

Russia and Israel agree to hold back Iran in Syria, claims Russian news agency

Moscow: ‘We will not allow Syria to become an Iranian military base and even if Russia tries to interfere in our action, we will not hesitate to target Russia,’ warned Israel. But it seems like Israel has now succeeded in getting Russia’s concurrence on the issue of Israeli attacks on Iranian bases. Statements indicating this […]

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Russia preparing to keep Iranian military in Syria away from Israel border, claim Israeli officials

Russia preparing to keep Iranian military in Syria away from Israel border, claim Israeli officials

Jerusalem: Russia has made preparations to keep the Iranian military and the pro-Iran groups away from the Israeli border. Russia is concerned that if this does not happen, Israel will continue to carry out scathing attacks on the Iranian locations and the Syrian conflict will intensify. Therefore, Russia will be discussing with Israel to reduce […]

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If Israel crosses “Red Line”, next attack will be on its heart, threatens Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah

If Israel crosses “Red Line”, next attack will be on its heart, threatens Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah

Beirut: Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah warned, “A new series of conflict has been initiated last week by firing 55 rockets from Syria on Israel’s Golan Hills region. But if Israel crosses the ‘Red Line’ with any more attacks on Syria, we will directly hit at the heart of Israel instead of Golan’. Nasrallah has tried […]

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Declare Jihad against United States for Jerusalem: al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri

Declare Jihad against United States for Jerusalem: al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri

Washington: ‘The United States President has exposed the real face of a modern religious war to the world, by transferring the US embassy to Jerusalem. He is not interested in retreat or peace. Severe resistance and Jihad are the only way to answer him’, were the words used by the al-Qaeda Chief ‘Ayman al-Zawahiri’ to […]

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Israel orders reserve forces to be prepared after increased Iranian activities in Syria

Israel orders reserve forces to be prepared after increased Iranian activities in Syria

Jerusalem/Damascus: Israel has warned of increased Iranian military activity in Syria, following US President Donald Trump’s announcement of withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran. In consideration of the possible attack from the Iranian military which has its bases in Syria, Israel has declared a ‘High Alert’ in the Golan Hills region. It has also […]

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Israel fires 9 missiles on Damascus and Homs in Syria, claims Syrian regime-backed media

Israel fires 9 missiles on Damascus and Homs in Syria, claims Syrian regime-backed media

Damascus: Israeli fighter jets fired 9 missiles on the military bases at Damascus and Homs in Syria, on Tuesday. However, the Syrian government media has claimed that all these missiles were shot down by the Syrian air defence systems. The Syrian media alleged that this was the second attack by Israel on Syrian military bases […]

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