US signs defence agreements with Greece and Finland citing increase in Russian activities

Washington/Helsinki/Athens: – Russia has stepped up military operations in Europe and the surrounding region. It has warned that an aggressive stance by the West on the Ukraine issue could endanger European security. Against this backdrop, the United States has taken steps to strengthen the defence capabilities of European countries. Defence agreements with Finland and Greece have been ratified. Under the agreement, Finland will receive 64 F-35 fighter jets and Greece will receive four new warships.  


On Friday, the Finnish Defence Ministry announced that it would purchase 64 F-35 fighter jets from Lockheed Martin in the United States. The contract includes defence systems as well as maintenance and repair. According to Finland, the deal is worth more than $11 billion. Finland is the 14th country to purchase F-35 fifth-generation jets from the United States. The first F-35 will arrive in Finland in 2026.  

France and Sweden have expressed displeasure over Finland’s selection of the F-35. French Dassault and Swedish Saab were also under consideration by Finland for fighter jets. However, the proposals of these companies were rejected and the countries concerned have expressed their displeasure. Officials at the French company said it was ‘unfortunate’ that a European country favoured the United States once again.   

Meanwhile, the United States has approved an agreement to supply four new warships to Greece. The US State Department stated in this regard. The deal is worth $9.4 billion and will provide Greece with multi-mission surface combat warships. The warships are modelled on the Littoral Combat Ships currently operating in the US Navy. In addition to the new warships, the MEKO Class destroyers, presently a part of the Greek navy, will be modernised. A few months ago, the United States and Greece signed a long-term defence cooperation agreement. The agreement provides for an increase in US defence deployments in Greece. 

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