

New Delhi/Islamabad: ‘Pakistan should release Wing Commander Abhinandan who it held captive, with full respect and without any conditions. If he is harmed in any way, Pakistan will have to face dire consequences,’ was the stark warning issued to Pakistan by India. It was within a few hours of this warning from the Indian foreign ministry, Pakistan […]

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ED initiates action against Hafeez Saeed’s terrorist organisation ‘Falah-e-Insaniat’

ED initiates action against Hafeez Saeed’s terrorist organisation ‘Falah-e-Insaniat’

New Delhi: The Indian Enforcement Directorate (ED) has complained against the said voluntary organisation ‘Falah-e-Insaniat’ based in Pakistan. The ED complaint says that the organisation is involved in money laundering. ‘Falah-e-Insaniat’ is based out of Lahore in Pakistan and is said to be headed by the Hafeez Saeed. This increases the importance of ED action. […]

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Major success for Saudi anti-corruption campaign; Crown Prince Mohammed

Major success for Saudi anti-corruption campaign; Crown Prince Mohammed

Riyadh: Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman announced that the anti-corruption campaign undertaken against the senior members of the Saudi Arabian royal family and leading industrialists was hugely successful. Saudi announced that $107 billion were recovered through this campaign. Crown Prince Mohammed initiated the campaign against the Saudi billionaires on 4th of November 2017. The […]

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The US will help the Iranian people against the Iranian regime, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

The US will help the Iranian people against the Iranian regime, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

Riyadh: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the Iranian government of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and Hassan Rouhani are spending more funds on terrorist activities than the Iranian people’s welfare. The population is annoyed with the government. Therefore, the United States will help the Iranian people to overthrow this government. The US Secretary […]

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US cannot afford to withdraw from cooperation with Saudi; US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

US cannot afford to withdraw from cooperation with Saudi; US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

Washington: The United States has made the preparations to supply missile defence system worth $15 billion. A few leaders and media from the United States are demanding that the United States should not provide any cooperation to the Saudi royal family that has manoeuvred the killing of journalist Khashoggi. But US Secretary of State Mike […]

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Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed planned the assassination of Iranian official, claims a US daily

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed planned the assassination of Iranian official, claims a US daily

Washington: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman had planned the assassination of powerful Iranian military official and bitter rival of Saudi, Major General Qassem Soleimani, even before the killing of journalist Jamal Khashogi. The Saudi official under suspicion in Khashoggi killing was involved in this plan too. Mohammed had prepared this plan right when he […]

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Saudi Crown Prince ordered killing of Journalist Khashoggi, a US daily claims citing CIA report

Saudi Crown Prince ordered killing of Journalist Khashoggi, a US daily claims citing CIA report

Washington: The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman is behind the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, claims the leading US daily, the ‘Washington Post’. The daily claims that the CIA has reported the information on Khashoggi killing. Nevertheless, neither the CIA nor any other US agencies have given any official reaction on the […]

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CIA Chief Gina Haspel reaches Turkey to discuss Khashoggi matter

CIA Chief Gina Haspel reaches Turkey to discuss Khashoggi matter

Istanbul/Riyadh: Turkish President, Recep Erdogan has alleged that the killing of Saudi journalist Khashoggi was a pre-planned act. He demanded that all those arrested by Saudi in this matter should be handed over to Turkey. Sources have informed that In view of the demand of the Turkish President, CIA chief, Gina Haspel has reached Turkey […]

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Following the Russian deployment of S-300 in Syria, US to supply additional F-35s to Israel

Following the Russian deployment of S-300 in Syria, US to supply additional F-35s to Israel

Jerusalem: The United States has given a fitting reply to Russia, who has been threatening Israel after the deployment of the S-300 system in Syria. The United States will be readying Israel with F-35s, the advanced stealth fighter jets in view of the Russian S-300 threat. It is said that these fighter jets are capable […]

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