US-China military conflict may spark over the issue of Taiwanese independence, warns Chinese Ambassador to US

US-China military conflict may spark over the issue of Taiwanese independence, warns Chinese Ambassador to US

Washington – Qin Gang, the Chinese Ambassador to the United States, warned that Taiwan has become the most volatile issue between the United States and China. If Taiwan, which has grown confident due to US support, starts a journey towards its independence, it will spark a military conflict between China and the United States. A […]

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US aircraft carrier arrives in Mediterranean Sea for NATO exercises amid rising tensions with Russia

US aircraft carrier arrives in Mediterranean Sea for NATO exercises amid rising tensions with Russia

Washington / Moscow – Amid rising tensions between Russia and the West over the Ukraine issue, the United States has decided to deploy its aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea. Next week, NATO’s ‘Neptune Strike 22’ naval exercise begins. In these exercises, US nuclear aircraft carrier ‘USS Harry S. Truman’ will join along with the […]

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Israel’s hands will be cut off if it makes a mistake of attacking Iran, warns senior Iran military official

Israel’s hands will be cut off if it makes a mistake of attacking Iran, warns senior Iran military official

Tehran – The military exercise conducted by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards is a serious warning to Israel. ‘If Israel makes a mistake of attacking Iran soon, we will cut off Israel’s (Zionist regime’s) hands,’ said General Hossein Salami, head of the Revolutionary Guards. The newly-appointed head of Israel’s air force, Major General Tomer Bar, announced that […]

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Israel cannot attack Iran without US approval, warns senior Iranian military official Major General Rashid

Israel cannot attack Iran without US approval, warns senior Iranian military official Major General Rashid

Tehran – ‘Israel cannot launch attacks on Iran’s nuclear and military bases without US permission and support. Israel does not have that capacity,’ claimed senior Iranian military officer Major General Gholam Ali Rashid. Major General Rashid also threatened that Israeli military bases would be destroyed without delay if Iran fired missiles. Israel’s Defense Minister Benny […]

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China’s Eastern Theater Command exercise near Taiwan ahead of Biden-Jinping meet

China’s Eastern Theater Command exercise near Taiwan ahead of Biden-Jinping meet

Beijing/Washington – A virtual meeting between US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping is scheduled for next Tuesday. Before that, China’s Eastern Theater Command conducted a military exercise near Taiwan. China has said the exercise is aimed at safeguarding its sovereignty. At the same time, China threatened that the United States should stop […]

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Russia opposes to US military presence in Central Asia

Russia opposes to US military presence in Central Asia

Moscow: – The United States has declared that it will use the ‘over the horizon’ option if terrorist groups re-emerge in Afghanistan. US President Joe Biden has announced the United States intends to use military bases in central Asia, and talks are underway with Russia for their use. But Russia has said that it has […]

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Extensive war exercises by Taiwan to counter Chinese threat

Extensive war exercises by Taiwan to counter Chinese threat

Jiadong: – Taiwanese defence forces have conducted large-scale military exercises. Taiwan began the exercises by landing surveillance aircraft equipped with radar systems and fighter jets on the highway and live to fire by tanks and artillery. Taiwan declared it an anti-invasion exercise. At the same time, the government of Taiwanese President Tsai has decided to […]

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