Indications of an undeclared war erupting between Israel and Iran following the attack on a fuel tanker

Indications of an undeclared war erupting between Israel and Iran following the attack on a fuel tanker

Jerusalem – Two crew members died in a suicide drone attack on an Israeli fuel tanker near Oman. Israel has blamed Iran for this. ‘Iran is not just Israel’s problem. Iran, the sponsor of terrorism, destruction and instability, is a threat to the whole world,’ warned Lapid, Israel’s foreign minister. Following the incident, Israel’s defence minister and defence chief […]

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Intense protests against Khamenei in the Iranian capital

Intense protests against Khamenei in the Iranian capital

Tehran: – Protests erupted in Iran’s Khuzestan province over water shortages that have spread to the capital, Tehran. For the first time in 18 months, slogans were given on the streets of Tehran against Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran’s supreme religious leader. It is claimed that the Iranian people, outraged by the country’s growing economic frustration and […]

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Four soldiers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards killed near Pakistan border

Four soldiers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards killed near Pakistan border

Zahedan – Four Revolutionary Guards soldiers were killed in Iran’s Sistan-Baluchestan province. The Iranian news agency blamed a gang of robbers for the incident near the Pakistan border. Although the Revolutionary Guards avoided direct mention, it is claimed that Baloch insurgents were involved in the attack. For decades, the Baloch people on the borders of […]

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Russian, Chinese and Iranian spies pose a threat to British security, warns UK intel Chief Ken McCallum

Russian, Chinese and Iranian spies pose a threat to British security, warns UK intel Chief Ken McCallum

London/Moscow/Beijing – Security of the United Kingdom is threatened by espionage from Russia, China and Iran. Britain’s intelligence chief, Ken McCallum, warned that the threat is as serious as the threat of terrorism. A few days ago, it was reported that a group of Iranian hackers attacked the University of London and tried to steal […]

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Israel should help to bring democracy in Iran, exiled Iranian diaspora demands Israeli help

Israel should help to bring democracy in Iran, exiled Iranian diaspora demands Israeli help

Paris – The exiled Iranian population has demanded, in a letter written to the Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, ‘The Bennett government in Israel should support us for promoting democracy and counter-terrorism activities in Iran. This is because it is necessary to overthrow the extremist and medieval Iranian regime reaching close to the atomic bomb.’ […]

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US, European nations condemn Iran over uranium metal enrichment

US, European nations condemn Iran over uranium metal enrichment

Tehran/Washington/London – Iran announced the development of 20% enriched uranium metal. Iran claims that this metal is being developed for peaceful uses. But the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Germany have criticised that this Iranian decision violates the 2015 nuclear deal, and this could rock the talks being held in Vienna. Meanwhile, it […]

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