EU Superstate in the making?

Germany and France Hold ‘Key’ Discussions Following the Chaos of ‘Brexit’

A crunch meeting of the EU states is being held in Berlin to examine the issues arising out of “Brexit”. Attendees include Prime Minister David Cameroon of Britain. A day prior to the larger meeting, the French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Mateo Renzi met at Berlin to discuss the ‘Brexit’ response and develop a common position.  


It is reported that France and Germany have been preparing a project of deepening integration in the European Union.  Polish broadcasters have been claiming of a   French-German plan   to establish an ‘EU Superstate’.

The Polish news channel ‘TVP’ claimed that post ‘Brexit’, the remaining European Union nations will be morphed into a ‘Superstate.’ The plan has been worked out by the foreign ministries of Germany and France, and will be proposed to the EU member nations athollande_merkel-A crunch meeting of the EU states the earliest.

Asked whether the triumvirate that convened in Berlin on Monday would replace the previous Franco-German collaboration that has historically been the decision-making backbone of the European Union, Ms. Merkel insisted that every country had a voice, and needed to work together. They named three areas on which collaboration was crucial: defense and security; the economy; and getting young people into jobs.

Merkel and Hollande reacted cautiously after ‘Brexit’ results and made clear that they had no set timeline for Britain’s departure from the 28-nation bloc, but were waiting for London to make the first move. 

At the same time, Ms. Merkel reiterated her message that delaying talks with Britain would only lead to deadlock that could endanger the European and British economies.

Germany and France are the two biggest nations of the EU. Various sources are unequivocal in their opinion that the future destiny of European Union lies in the hands of these two super powers. They will continue to play the vital lead role after ’Brexit.’

Against this background Monday’s meeting is considered crucial   to move towards stronger political union in Europe

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