China will have to pay dearly for invading Taiwan – Taiwanese President warns China

Taipei: President of Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen directly warned that Taiwan has to demonstrate to the enemy that it can and has resolved to defend itself. Intrusion into Taiwan or attempting to do so will have to pay dearly. President Ing-wen also announced that no one could hinder Taiwan’s determination to defend itself. President Ing-wen’s warning to China becomes important when US analysts and a Japanese delegation are on a visit to Taiwan.


China will have to pay dearly for invading Taiwan - Taiwanese President warns ChinaIn August 1958, China launched heavy air attacks on Taiwan’s Kinmen and Matsu islands. But even after this operation, the Chinese army could not wrest control of these islands from Taiwan. It has been 64 years since China attacked Taiwan. Against this background, analysts of a study group from Stanford University’s Hoover Institution have arrived in Taiwan and met President Ing-Wen. At the same time, a delegation of Japanese parliamentarians has also arrived in Taipei.

Addressing the Taiwan Defence Forces in the presence of US analysts and members of the Japanese parliament, President Ing-wen hailed the courage shown by the Taiwanese military and people in the conflict against China 64 years ago. President Ing-wen proclaimed ‘Taiwan has shown before, is showing today, and can continue to show that the determination of the Taiwanese people never wavers when it comes to the security of our country. It is time to demonstrate the determination and faith of the Taiwanese people for peace, security, freedom and prosperity.’

Moreover, by referring to the war of 1958, the President of Taiwan claimed that no one could hinder the determination of her country. President Ing-wen seems to have warned China by announcing that the sacrifices made by Taiwanese soldiers and citizens 64 years ago made today’s democratic Taiwan safe. China will have to pay dearly for invading Taiwan - Taiwanese President warns ChinaPresident Ing-Wen highlighted the threat posed by China while talking to the senior member of the parliament of Japan, Keiji Furuya. Ing-Wen warned that the Chinese aggression against Taiwan also posed a challenge to the security of the Indo-Pacific.

Analyst James O. Ellis from a renowned US think tank also met the President of Taiwan and his aides. Ellis claimed that the visit to Taiwan would signal that the US public is always ready to cooperate with Taiwan. James Ellis is a retired US Navy admiral. Therefore, the importance of his visit has also increased.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Chinese fighter jets and destroyers flew close to Taiwanese air and sea territory. About 29 fighters and four destroyers patrolled the Taiwan Strait and travelled up to the centre line. Taiwan is alleging that four of these planes crossed the Taiwanese central line. Therefore, it is evident that China is trying to increase the pressure on Taiwan by sending fighter planes and destroyers. But Taiwan is also responding to China in its way.

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