The support for the rightist groups increasing in France, Marine Lee Penn supersedes President Macron

Third World War

Paris: Against the background of the European Parliament elections just four months away, the support for the rightist groups in France is increasing tremendously. In one of the surveys, the National Rally Party of Marine Le Penn has beaten President Emanuel Macron. This indicates a major jolt to the established system in the European parliament.


The group Ifop poll had conducted a survey in France regarding the European Parliament elections in October. In this survey, Marine Lee Penn’s rightist party got a maximum of 21% of the votes. The party ‘LREM’ formed by French President Macron, got support from only 19% voters.

Marine-Lee-PennThe other rightist parties from France other than Lee Penn got support from 10% of the voters. This takes the support for the rightist groups to more than 30%, and this is a warning for the established and other related groups. This is the first instance of the rightist groups getting a clear verdictas compared to the other groups.

Given the European parliamentary elections scheduled for the next year, the issues of immigrant influx and the Union’s interference have come to the forefront. On these issues, the support for the anti-establishment and rightist nationalist groups is increasing day by day. This fact stood out in the results of the elections held in countries like Austria, Italy, Poland and Germany.

The French survey endorses this, and this indicates that the rightist nationalist groups will dominate the European countriesshortly.

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