US President Trump will face similar fate as Saddam Hussein, warns Iranian President

US President Trump will face similar fate as Saddam Hussein, warns Iranian President

Tehran: ‘US President Trump will face similar fate as Saddam Hussein,’ threatened Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. The inciting statements issued by President Rouhani seem significant ashe is generally known to be moderate unlike the Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei and other hardliner Iranian military officials known for making inciting and controversial statements. Since last Saturday, […]

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Iran still the ‘leading state sponsor of terror’, report by US Department of State

Iran still the ‘leading state sponsor of terror’, report by US Department of State

Washington: “Iran remains the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism and is responsible for intensifying multiple conflicts and undermining US interests in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain, Afghanistan and Lebanon,”’ alleged a report released by the US Department of State. The US Department of State has alleged that the activities of Qassem Soleimani, the chief of […]

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Trump criticises former Secretary of State Kerry’s meetings with Iranian leaders

Trump criticises former Secretary of State Kerry’s meetings with Iranian leaders

Washington: ‘A few days ago, Iranian backed militias had carried out a rocket attack on the US embassy in Iraq. Meetings held by Former Secretary of State Kerry with such an anti US nation are illegal and unprecedented in the US history,’ was the vitriolic criticism showered by US secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Similarly, […]

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China ready to increase military cooperation with Iran, announces Chinese Defence Minister

China ready to increase military cooperation with Iran, announces Chinese Defence Minister

Beijing: China is willing to increase military cooperation with Iran ignoring the sanctions imposed by the United States, announced Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghe. The Chinese Defence Minister announced increasing the defence cooperation with Iran during the Chinese visit of Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami. China had protested against the US sanctions against Iran by […]

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Powerful US leader, John McCain was a Godfather of ‘Muslim Brotherhood’; claims anchor of Egyptian news channel

Powerful US leader, John McCain was a Godfather of ‘Muslim Brotherhood’; claims anchor of Egyptian news channel

Cairo: An Egyptian analyst has claimed that John McCain, a US Republican party leader, was a Godfather of the extremist organisation ‘Muslim Brotherhood’. Ahmed Moussa, a compere of a program on the Saad Al Balad channel in Egypt, has made this allegation and has presented evidence to substantiate the claim. John McCain, the powerful US […]

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Iran deploys ballistic missiles in Iraq to target Israel and Saudi

Iran deploys ballistic missiles in Iraq to target Israel and Saudi

Washington/Tehran: Iranian missiles in the ‘Zelzal’, ‘Fateh-110’ and ‘Zolfaqar’ class capable of hitting targets in the range of 200 to 700 kilometres have reached Iraq. An international news agency has claimed that with the deployment of these missiles, capable of hitting targets in Israel and Saudi Arabia, Iran intends to issue a warning to its […]

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One mistake by the US will cause Hormuz Strait’s oil transport to shut down, warns Iranian military chief

One mistake by the US will cause Hormuz Strait’s oil transport to shut down, warns Iranian military chief

Tehran: ‘The United States will have to pay a heavy price if it makes the mistake of stopping the Iranian crude exports. Iran will stop the entire crude oil movement from Arabian nations, passing through the Strait of Hormuz if the United States makes this mistake,’ warned the Iranian military chief, Major General Mohammad Hossein […]

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US continues support to Saudi-UAE despite the violence in Yemen

US continues support to Saudi-UAE despite the violence in Yemen

Washington: Although all the groups are responsible for violence in Yemen, the United Nations had alleged that Saudi Arabia and its allies are majorly accountable for it. Saudi was a subject of international criticism after the United Nations report was published. Despite this, the United States continues to support Saudi Arabia as well as the […]

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Those threatening to destroy Israel will be destroyed, Israeli Prime Minister warns Iran

Those threatening to destroy Israel will be destroyed, Israeli Prime Minister warns Iran

Tel Aviv: ‘The countries talking about wiping out Israel from the world map will also face the same threat. No efforts made to destroy Israel will succeed,’ warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It is being claimed that this warning issued by Prime Minister Netanyahu while speaking at a program at the only Israeli nuclear […]

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Israel will continue to attack Iranian military in Syria, stern warning by Israel’s Internal Security Minister

Israel will continue to attack Iranian military in Syria, stern warning by Israel’s Internal Security Minister

Jerusalem/Washington: Iran has declared that it will continue to deploy military in Syria, despite the pressure from the United States. But the Iranian deployment near the Golan Hills will not be tolerated and Israel will continue its attacks on the Iranian military, warned the Israeli Internal Security Minister. Moreover, the US Secretary for Defence has […]

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