Canadian intelligence warns of threat of Chinese, Russian cyberattacks against Canada’s power grid

Canadian intelligence warns of threat of Chinese, Russian cyberattacks against Canada’s power grid

Ottawa: – The threat of cyber attackers from China, Iran, Russia and North Korea is increasing and these cyber attackers can launch an attack on the Canadian systems. Communications Security Establishment (CSE), the Canadian intelligence agency, has warned that there could be a cyberattack on the Canadian electricity distribution installations. China has dismissed the Canadian […]

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Chinese cyberattacks on Indian satellite systems, informs US-based think tank

Chinese cyberattacks on Indian satellite systems, informs US-based think tank

Washington: – It is being revealed that China, who was scheming on the Ladakh and Arunachal borders and posing challenges in the Indian Ocean, had opened another front in space, against India. Between 2007 and 2018, China launched cyberattacks on Indian satellite communication. This has been exposed by a thinktank monitoring the Chinese activities in […]

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Major cyberattack on Mitsubishi company in Japan, Chinese hand suspected  

Major cyberattack on Mitsubishi company in Japan, Chinese hand suspected  

Tokyo/Beijing: – Mitsubishi, a leading multinational company in Japan and the world, suffered a major cyberattack. Mitsubishi Electric, one of the Mitsubishi group companies, was targeted in the attack and it is suspected that the Chinese hackers have perpetrated this attack. Only last month, Japan had participated in the NATO cyber exercises, to counter Chinese […]

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US Cyber Command plans to launch cyberattacks on Russia, claims US daily

US Cyber Command plans to launch cyberattacks on Russia, claims US daily

Washington: The US Cyber Command is planning to launch cyberattacks on Russia given the US Presidential elections scheduled to be held in 2020. Claims have surfaced of Russia launching cyberattacks on the US systems to interfere in the US Presidential elections in 2016. A leading US daily, therefore, stated that to prevent Russian interference in […]

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Japan joins NATO cyberwar exercises to prepare for action against the Chinese cyberattackers   

Japan joins NATO cyberwar exercises to prepare for action against the Chinese cyberattackers   

Tokyo: Japan has joined the front opened by NATO to counter China, who is using the cyber sector as a weapon. Japan joined the cyberwar exercises initiated by NATO to counter the Chinese cyber attackers. Japanese defence ministry gave this information. A major reaction is expected from China over this development.    NATO is conducting a […]

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US launches cyberattacks against Iran to retaliate to Saudi oil attacks, claims an international news agency

US launches cyberattacks against Iran to retaliate to Saudi oil attacks, claims an international news agency

Washington: The United States has retaliated against Iran, which is responsible for the attacks on the Saudi oil facilities. An international news agency revealed that the United States launched cyberattacks on one of Iran’s most critical system, quoting two US officials.  On 14th of September, dreadful drone and missile attacks were carried out on two oil facilities of Abqaiq and Khurais in Saudi Arabia. The Houthi rebels from Yemen had accepted […]

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