Iran will pose a threat to the world if not stopped in time: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 

Jerusalem: – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned ‘Iran reeling under the burden of sanctions also is posing a threat to the neighbouring countries. In this scenario, if Iran is freed from sanctions, Iran will be equipped with intercontinental missiles tipped with nuclear weapons, in the times to come. These Iranian nuclear missiles will target the United States, Europe and Iran will become a threat to the world and Iran will become a threat for everyone.’ It is claimed that this warning is directed towards President-elect Joe Biden, who is preparing to sign a new nuclear deal with Iran.   


US National Security Advisor (NSA) Robert O’Brian recently visited Israel and met Prime Minister Netanyahu. Iran is threatening to attack the United States and Israel following the assassination of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. In this scenario, the visit of the US NSA to Israel is considered very significant. Prime Minister Netanyahu pointed to the threat posed by Iran to the world and demanded action by the international community against Iran.   

Prime Minister Netanyahu said ‘Till such time that Iran is threatening its neighbouring countries, cornering them, making announcements of the annihilation of Israel, arming the terrorist organisations from the Middle East and around the world and trying to develop nuclear weapons, no deals should be carried out with Iran.’ The Israeli Prime Minister welcomed the stand of the current US President, Donald Trump, regarding Iran.  

Prime Minister Netanyahu claimed that whatever peace is being experienced, is because of the stand taken by the US President to pressurise Iran more and more. But still, Iran is threatening its neighbouring countries. Prime Minister Netanyahu pointed out that in this scenario, if the sanctions imposed on Iran are relaxed, Iran will have intercontinental ballistic missiles, tipped with nuclear weapons, capable to targeting the United States and Europe. At the same time, Israeli Prime Minister appealed to the international community to Unite against this threat posed by Iran.   

The Israeli Prime Minister did not mention any country other than Iran. But as per the Israeli media, this was a warning for President-elect Joe Biden, preparing to sign a nuclear deal with Iran and also the European countries. Biden has expressed willingness to discuss the new nuclear deal with Iran, subject to certain conditions. Whereas, Iran also has expressed willingness to discuss with the new US President. Against this background, the Israeli Prime Minister seems to have cautioned the Biden administration. Saudi Arabia too has made a demand to include Middle East countries in the discussions regarding the Iranian nuclear program.   

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