Cyberattackers conspire malware attacks on biologists to create dangerous viruses, toxins

Negev: – The cyber attackers are planning a major biological terror attack, by restructuring the genes in the computers of the bio-scientist, to a poisonous nature, using a malware. The cyber researchers have warned in the journal that the bio-scientists may generate toxic chemicals or viruses, without their knowledge, after this hybrid cyberattack.   


Cyber researchers from the Ben Gurion University, in Israel, have warned about this biological cyberattack, in the Nature Biotechnology journal. Inhuman hackers and the bio-terrorists can join hands to hack the computer of a bio-scientist, in a laboratory. The Israeli researchers have expressed a concern that these hackers and bio-terrorists will restructure the genes arrangements stored in the computer of the bio-scientist to an arrangement of lethal poisonous nature.   

The US health department has prescribed certain governing principles for the suppliers of genes. But the cyber hackers can take the poisonous genes out, creating confusion in the guiding principles. The chief of the Israeli cyber researcher group, Rami Pazis, gave some examples in support of the claim. Pazis claimed that 16 out of 50 genes could not be detected in the screening as per the US guiding principles.   

Therefore, the Israeli cyber researcher group has warned, through their journal, that the cyber attackers can launch a major biological attack, taking control of the computer of the bio-scientist and restructuring the arrangement of the genes into a poisonous structure.   

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