A new military coup in Burkina Faso in Africa

Burkina Faso: There is a report of a new military coup in Burkina Faso, which is part of the ‘Sahel Region’ in Africa. An army group seized control of the government news channel on Saturday and claimed to have overthrown the government of Lt. Col. Paul Damiba, who had become the President. Damiba is said to have the support of France, and it has come to light that there have been protests against the French embassy and other ventures in the country.


military coupEarlier this year, Lieutenant Colonel Paul Damiba overthrew the country’s democratic government in January and took over the country into his hand. There were claims that the democratic government failed to prevent violence and terrorist attacks while gaining power. However, even Damiba had failed to reduce the intensity of violence and aggression in the last nine months. It is said that a group of the army who were displeased with this rebelled.

It was announced after the rebellion that Captain Ibrahim Traore had taken over the country’s leadership. All the country borders have been closed, and a curfew has been announced. The government and Parliament have also been ordered to be dissolved. The United Nations expressed strong displeasure at the new incident of rebellion.

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