China’s communist regime rejects Hong Kong protestor’s demands; 4 prominent leaders arrested

Third World War

The communist regime in China has rejected all the demands of the Hong Kong protestors including the withdrawal of the controversial extradition bill. The pro-China administration of Hong Kong had presented a report along with these demands to the Communist government of China. China has rejected all the demands mentioned in the report according to the reports published by a news agency. Because of this report, the Chinese interference in the decision making as well as the overall administration in Hong Kong has become evident. This is likely to further enrage the protesters.


Three months ago, the people in Hong Kong had taken to the streets to protest against the extradition bill introduced by the Hong Kong administration. The negative and dilatory attitude of the pro-China administration in Hong Kong regarding this bill intensified the displeasure amongst the local public. The Chinese government ordered the administration in Hong Kong to remain firm on the bill and take action against the protestors. Therefore, the protests turned into a comprehensive anti-China struggle and the local public, unhappy about the dictatorial Chinese government, came out on the streets in large numbers.

Thereafter, for more than 2 months, the locals have demanded the withdrawal of the extradition bill along with other demands. However, the local administration, which works on the orders of the ruling Communist party in China, did not take a decision regarding this. Along with the withdrawal of the bill, the demands also include an independent investigation of the police action, retracting labelling the protests ‘riots’, unconditional release of all demonstrators, and giving the people the right to vote.

Hong Kong’s local leader Carrie Lam had presented a report mentioning all these demands to the ruling Communist party in China. In that, the local administration requested the Chinese government to accept the demands regarding the bill and the independent investigation of the police action and also claimed that the protests would stop if these two demands are met. But these demands were completely rejected by the Chinese government. According to a news agency, the Chinese government while rejecting the claims, ordered the Hong Kong’s administration to take further action against the protestors.

Meanwhile, the Hong Kong administration has started arresting leaders in order to stop the protests, which have turned violent in the past few days. In the last 24 hours, four leaders of the Hong Kong protests, Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow, Andy Chan and Rick Hui, have been arrested.

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